Camping in Bryce Canyon, June, 2004

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We walked up to the General Store near Sunset Point on Friday night and rummaged around a bit, buying maps and t-shirts. Then we walked over to the Visitor's Center to hear about the stars above Bryce Canyon. The talk was very entertaining and at the end we got to look through telescopes in the parking lot just like we did at Chaco Culture in April. M-13 were there and so was Jupiter (with four of its moons lined up right next to it like little ducklings) but Saturn had already set and the moon was not out that night. Bryce is considered a magnitude 7.4 for astonomy. I don't know what Chaco is rated but I bet it's pretty high. After watching the stars, we hit the sack early so we could get a good start Saturday morning.

Elevation profile of our
Wall Street/Queen's
Garden loop hike

don't bonk your head

King of the world!
We hit the trail Saturday morning after having a good breakfast and lots of coffee and had a wonderful day of hiking. We took the Wall Street Trail from Sunrise Point down to the canyon floor (it's not really a canyon but that's another song entirely) and then took the Queen's Connecting Trail around the bottom a bit and back up at Sunset Point. It was just about 2.5 miles, not counting walking to Sunrise Point from the campground, and the hike was rated "moderate" but we sure got tired climbing out of that canyon. The weather was nice, though, and there were clouds in the sky along with a nice breeze. No one overheated and we took lots of pictures.

BIG rocks

eerie canyon walls

you'd get stuck in there

watch out for that rock
behind you

beautiful spires

Check out this huge tree
growing at the bottom of
Wall Street

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