Mom and I took a trip to Idaho and Montana to see if we could locate the site of the cabin her grandparents lived in during the 20s-40's while they worked
at the Forest Service Nursery in Savenac, MT. Mom had an old photo from 1947 for us to work from. We drove around a lot, met a bunch of people who tried their best to help us, and
then finally found the site. It was pretty easy to identify, actually, since there is a distinct mountain in the background and the concrete abutment for the old bridge is still there. The cabin
is long gone, as is most of the towns of Haggan and DeBorgia, Montana, since I-90 came through in the 1970's. The cabin was razed to make way for the highway.
The ladies at the county records office in Superior were very friendly and pulled out the probate records from when Uncle David died in 1947. That was very helpful since it had some details
about his life that we never would have found otherwise. He died intestate so the court made an inventory of his possessions and assets and then distributed them to the various family
members. David is buried in DeBorgia, MT and we visited his grave. We had a very fun trip and thorougly enjoyed the area.
Best of all, we picked the cutest kitten in the world from a box in front of the grocery store on our last day in town. "Alice the Goon" rode home in the truck on Mom's lap and after she
stopped hollering and took a nap, her sweet nature came through. She's a real honey of a cat!