Day Hike to Cascade Pass, August, 2004  

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This was SUCH a neat trail! You drive to the end of Cascade River Road (out of Marblemount, WA) to the trailhead. Then the trail winds through the woods and around the valley to Cascade Pass. It's an easy 3.7 miles, with 34 switchbacks (we counted them) and you just can't believe the view from there. There are other trails from the Pass that take you to Sahale Glacier and down the valley toward Stehekin. But we were just on a day hike and it was a spectacular day to be out. I was entranced by the dripping water from recently-upturned tree roots. The water was running so smoothly and with such peacefulness...I stood transfixed for quite some time. These pictures will never do it justice, but it was a very Zen moment for me and regardless of what the rest of the hike was like, the water features made it perfect for me.

mind the edge, sir

neat rock slide

winding trail


serenity now
As we hiked, we spied various glaciers through the tree branches. Occasionally, we could hear what sounded like thunder as a glacier 'calved', or broke down the mountainside. The colors of the glaciers is that cold, cold blue that you see in Alaska and even though it wasn't a cold day, we shivered in our jackets.

a bit of sun

glistening rain drops

now you see it

and now you don't

what a view!
Various animals peeked at us as we hiked along the rock slide area. Marmots and picas whistled and peeped and generally scurried about. We saw a bear near the end of the day in the valley, but we weren't close to him at all. Every now and then, I stopped along the trail to look back at the valley. It was gorgeous, but I was excited to get to the Pass, too!



the fast way down

glaciers at the Pass

a bit windy
We had lunch at the Pass and admired the scenery for quite a while. Eventually, though, we turned around and hiked back to the car. Someday we'd like to keep hiking all the way down to Stehekin, camping as we go. It'd be neat! What a great day hike - how fresh the air was, and how majestic those glaciers.

great color of blue

cold, ice, brrrr

here comes the fog

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